Description Many of our clients say that we have changed their lives. The unique combination of the exceptional calibre of our career advisors and the depth of our psychometric assessment produces a profound catalytic effect for individuals.

Clients are invariably astonished at the accuracy, insight and detail with which our career advisors assimilate the career and personal issues they face.

You get to know yourself better, unearth dormant talents and qualities, have a better sense of direction, and as a result find the whole process a real confidence booster.

Many organisations today offer careers advice and assessment, but with consultants of widely varying qualifications the majority of whom are not psychologists. Furthermore, nationally validated personality and aptitude assessments are expensive; as a result many firms rely on a restricted range of assessments. Other firms simply provide computer-generated assessment results without the essential interpretation by a qualified psychologist.

Career Analysts is one of the few career counselling services in the UK that combines counselling by fully qualified psychologists with an extensive range of cutting edge career test profiling and assessment techniques.

Are you maximising your talents and abilities? We all should!
Address 1 Eversholt Street
Phone number 0800 999 7778
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Latitude: 51.528044
Longitude: -0.132183

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