Description Claims Depot is a site dedicated to connecting victims of unsuitable financial advice with compensation recovery experts. Whether you were mis-sold shares or advised to transfer your pension to a product that was not right for your personal situation you could be entitled to compensation.

A mis-sold investment occurs in many ways, whether you were contacted directly by a licensed investment company or were working with an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA), they have a duty to protect your money from investments that are not suitable for your financial situation.

Mis-sold investments are often the result of financial advisors or brokers being negligent or greedy. Some of these high-risk investments offer a larger commission to the broker or IFA and often causes them to overlook their duty to you.
Address Kemp House, 152-160 City Road
Phone number 020 3746 1820
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Latitude: 51.527248
Longitude: -0.088877

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