Description Freelance copywriting services for health, medical, and wellness businesses.

What’s faster than creating all of your content yourself, cheaper than losing customers to competitors, and more specialist than a marketing agency?

A health copywriter with a background in NHS healthcare and psychology.

My role is to write copy that converts for products & services helping people with health issues.

There's a fine line when it comes to health marketing...

Too sales-heavy? The client clicks away within seconds.

Too data-dense? The customer either gets bored or a headache.

This is where I come in, so we can make sure that your service/product truly excites the people you serve.

How so?

We get specific on your target market's dreams, desires, fears, and frustrations.

You want to have great conversations with your customers. After all, better conversations lead to more business.

Articles, web pages, emails, videos...

They all rely on the power of words. They also all benefit from the craft of a health copywriter.

Do some of the below sound familiar?

- You want more leads for your health business.
- You want content that shows off both your expertise and your human side.
- You aim to help people and make money, not one or the other.

If these are true, feel free to contact me on my website.
Address San Juan Ct
East Sussex
BN23 5TP
Weekday Opens Closes
Mon 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
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